Community & Recreation

  • Read the Community & Recreation Info from the Report

    There was seen to be a need to improve existing indoor facilities and access to them, as well as wanting new facilities that were of a high standard and fit for a growing population.

    Better access was needed to Community Connect and the Community Campus, there was a desire to save Rattray Hall for the community, and to support ongoing development of the Skate Park, Tennis Club, Rattray All Weather Pitch, and sports hub to provide an all-inclusive facility for Rattray and beyond, and of a Scout/Guide Hall.

    The current Recreation Centre and the Town Hall were not viewed as fit for purpose. It was hoped that the new Recreational Centre would be ‘future proofed’ and address the shortcomings of the old one. There was also thought to be a need to look at the development of a purpose built multi use Community Hub – ‘like the Birnam Institute in Dunkeld.’

    There was a strong desire to see outdoor spaces – sports pitches, play areas and parks improved and developed. In particular there was seen to be an opportunity to develop Davie Park as a ‘Destination Park’ and Sports Hub, while it was also recognised that there was a need to improve play provision in other parts of the community as well.

    Respondents thought that there was a need to develop more activities and services for young people. They recognised the good work of SCYD and felt that this should be supported and built on.

    There was a need to do more to tackle inequalities in the town and to support initiatives that addressed the needs of the most vulnerable. Community organisations and local volunteers have risen to this challenge particularly during the Covid pandemic and it was important to maintain this focus. The importance of Debt Counselling, events that brought people together, vocational training, English as a Second Language Classes, and ‘dignified food provision’ were mentioned.

Priority List of Actions

The following items were identified for action:-

Activities for Young People

Activities for Young People

The lead for this item is Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust and they are supported by Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD), Blairgowrie High School, PKC

Activities and suggestions include:

Improve Parks

Indoor Activities

Recreational facilities

Support SCYD

Develop New Facilities

Develop New Facilities

The lead for this item is Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust and they are supported by Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Football Trust, Blairgowrie and Rattray in Bloom, PKC, Live Active, SFA

Activities and suggestions include:

All Weather 3G Pitch

Davie Park Development

Develop Community Hub

New Recreation Centre Fit for Purpose

Rattray Community Garden

Improve Community Access

Improve Community Access

The lead for this item is Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust and they are supported by Blairgowrie Town Hall, Rattray Connect, Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council, Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Football Trust, PKC, Community Campus

Activities and suggestions include:

Consider Saving Rattray Hall

Develop Town Hall

Improve Community Access

Retain Recreational Facilities

Joint Working & Promotion

Joint Working & Promotion

The lead for this item is Proactive Communities Blairgowrie & Rattray and they are supported by Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust, Blairgowrie & Rattray Business Association (BARBA), Blairgowrie and East Perthshire Tourist Association (BEPTA)

Activities and suggestions include:

Encourage Joint Working

Joint Marketing & Promotion

Working with Wider Area

Tackling Inequalities

Tackling Inequalities

The lead for this item is Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust and they are supported by Blairgowrie International Cafe, , Residents, Community Connections

Activities and suggestions include:

Inequality Awareness

Support Most Vulnerable

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