Blairgowrie and East Perthshire Tourist Association (BEPTA)
Updated: 09:50 Thursday 27 June
Promoting tourism in Blairgowrie and East Perthshire
DetailsBlairgowrie and Rattray Illuminations
Updated: 15:36 Tuesday 15 October
A team of volunteers who fund raise, maintain and erect the Christmas Lights each and every year
DetailsBlairgowrie Evangelical Church
Updated: 12:23 Wednesday 27 November
Meeting Time:
Sunday 11am
DetailsBlairgowrie Parish Church
Updated: 11:00 Wednesday 11 December
Meeting Time:
Every Sunday 11am with additional early services monthly 9.30am. More Info Below
DetailsBlairgowrie Parish Church Guild
Updated: 08:56 Wednesday 29 November
Meeting Time:
alternate Monday afternoons at 2pm and evenings at 7.30pm
DetailsBlairgowrie & Rattray Braemar Association
Updated: 11:44 Thursday 29 August
Meeting Time:
1st Saturday in September
DetailsOur Heritage Blairgowrie & Rattray SCIO
Updated: 15:21 Wednesday 30 October
Promoting the history of Blairgowrie and East Perthshire.
Meeting Time:
DetailsRattray Art Festival
Updated: 15:45 Wednesday 11 December
Meeting Time:
Yearly weekend long art festival
DetailsThe Episcopal Churches
Updated: 15:17 Wednesday 12 June
Meeting Time:
Sunday Services 9.30am - Sung Eucharist